If you’ve ever found yourself wearing the same, uninspired thing day in and day out, then you’re most likely in a style rut. I don’t have to tell you you’re in one because you know you are. You can feel it.
According to the dictionary, a rut is a habit or pattern of behaviour that has become dull and unproductive, but is hard to change. So, if you’re feeling uninspired with your appearance lately, and have no desire to do anything about it…you’re in stuck in a style a rut.
You’ve heard me talk about style uniforms in the recent past. A style rut is different from a style uniform. When you have a style uniform you may be wearing the same outfit formula most days, but the individual pieces that you’re putting together create different looks that are thoughtful, purposeful and a reflection of your personality and lifestyle.
When you are in a style rut, you are most likely wearing the same clothes over and over again purely as a means to an end, a way to get through the day. It becomes about functionality rather than an inspired, creative style.
Defining your personal style allows you to wear a similar type of of look over and over again, yet feeling great each time. When you can do this, you know you’re not in a style rut!
A style rut is not usually rooted in personal style, it is rooted in comfort (buying 10 of the same comfy item), fit (you find one pair of jeans that works and buy 5 of the exact same), and low cost (it was very cheap, so you can buy it again if it wears out after only a couple of months). Sensing a trend here?
Here are 5 signs you are stuck in a style rut:
· You buy multiples of the same item (for example 5 or more items of the exact same jumper or dress)
· Your wear mostly neutral colours (not out of choice but default)
· You feel like shopping is a chore, rather than being fun or creative
· You have a wardrobe that consists of the same styles and silhouettes.
· You panic at the thought of an occasion in your calendar and spend a lot of time thinking about what you are going to wear.
If you relate to most of these, then you – my friend- are in a style rut.
What’s the solution?
Hare are things you can do right away:
· Change up your accessories- For example, try a different necklace with your look
· Layer Up- For example, add a Knitted vest, blazer, long coat or sweater over your blouse
· See you what you have at the back of your closet (by performing a mini declutter) and try wearing a different top, trousers or skirt.
Here’s the truth…
Chances are, you have read these solutions before on many other blogs or fashion magazines, and they haven’t made much of a difference, right?
Well, if you know me well, then you’ll know I am not a big fun of short term solutions. I love DIY solutions that will stand the test of time and provide long term style solutions you can implement every day.
Defining your personal style allows you to wear a similar type of look over and over again, yet feeling great each time. When you can do this, you know you’re not in a style rut!
Don’t be average – be smarter!
Until next time, your personal stylist,
Numba Pinkerton.
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